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The Reimer R7, aptly named "The Urban" is a small, compact and highly maneuverable mobile batch plant that is effective in high density urban areas such as large towns and cities. The R7 Urban Mobile Batch Plant is not only fitted to standard 6x4 double-drive chassis/cab configurations, but is also suitably engineered to be mounted to hydraulically rear-steered 6x2 chassis' allowing the mobile plant to be maneuvered through very tight street and site locations. The hydraulically steered rear lift-axle results in maneuverability that matches a standard 4x2 wheel configuration.


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R7 Technical Data
Reimer R7 (The Urban)
R7 (The Urban)
Reimer R10 (The Tom Baker)
R10 (The Tom Baker)
Reimer R12 (The Utility)
R12 (The Utility)
RT Range (Trailer mounts)
RT Range (Trailer mounts)
Special mount range
Special mount range