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Pumping Services
We have two types of concrete pumps available, line and boom pumps. When booking a pump with our shipping clerks, please specify which type you require, and if you are not sure our fully trained staff will assist your decision by asking you some basic information about the site.

Boom pumps are used to pump concrete at height or where access prohibits the use of a land line pump. A pump will stay on site for up to 2 hours without additional charge. The standard distance for land line pumps is 40 metres. Distances in excess of this will require additional personnel that will incur an additional charge.
It's not economical or recommended that quantities less than 2m3 are pumped as a significant volume of concrete is left in the pump after completion of the work. However there is no restriction on the maximum quantity to be pumped.

It is necessary for the customer to provide two standard bags of cement to grout the line. Additionally a suitable area for washing out of the pump must be provided. We usually recommend that an 2.5 metre square tarpaulin is used to line a pre-dug hole/trench to facilitate this use. Please allow 48 hours notice when placing an order for a pump.